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Monday, April 4, 2022

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If it's a rental server, "Sakura's rental server"! You can choose a plan that suits your needs and budget, from a cheap plan that can be used for only 131 yen per month at the price of a bottle of canned juice, to a multifunctional and large-capacity plan that can also be used for business. In addition, it supports multiple domains and has unlimited email addresses. It is a shared rental server service that you can use with confidence because it also has free virus scanning and free telephone support.

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Thursday, September 12, 2019


hey people everybody needs to wake up. Some won't though,
that's totally great. Only here for those who are chosen



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All mainstream rappers are low level freemasons, & are given knowledge of the Zionists plans before the public gets them. Case in point: Lil Wayne speaks about the end of society, him coming out of a snake pit, getting in a spaceship, & meeting a Goddess on the Moon. By reading this verse very carefully, I'm fully aware that Lil Wayne has full knowledge of the Moon matrix, & he knows when the government plans to inact martial law & WW3. Wayne also acquired his goat pendant as a major tribute to his master-Baphomet, AKA "Set", AKA "Saturn", AKA "Satan", AKA "Ogo." The deity that controls the Matrix along side the Goddess Hathor. Lil Wayne played a key role for the Zionists agenda from the year 2000 to the year 2012. His job was to cause the "black" population to carry a highschool mentality no matter what their age was. Also to persuade the masses to indulge in the most low vibrational actions imaginable. And this man is STILL worshipped as a God because he can make words rhyme!! 😂🤣😅 Lil Wayne literally destroyed the minds & hearts of an ENTIRE GENERATION! The Carter V was released on September 28th, 2018, which reduces to 9-1-11. He dropped his album after the Vegas Knights went to the NHL Stanley Cup. The Vegas knights logo is the V. Wayne dropped his Carter V album right before the Venom movie was released & the Venom movie logo is the V. The V symbolizes the 5th trumpet in Revelation being blown. Get ready folks! #RFGsDontStop #WeExposeTheWicked #LilWayneWorksForBaphomet #AllMainStreamArtistsHaveSoldOut #WayneKnowsAboutTheMoonMatrix #HeIsA_LowLevelFreeMason #PredictiveProgrammingInTheMusic #RFG_TheAlchemist #RFG_TheHeretic
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Sweater Weather - The Neighborhood Illuminati
Indie Rock Exposed: "Sweater Weather" by The Neighborhood Illuminati?
The Verve = Bittersweet Symphony Exposed


Pay Attention to the Lyrics of Popular Music!
This song explains it real in five lines. Money = MOON;
That's why there's a term called Liquidation
Selling Pickaxes to the Goldminers by Palma Entertainment
That's why IMF stands for International Monetary Fund --- When you're constantly chasing money, you are basically a hamster in a wheel.

  1. Then they try to tell you to follow the rules. 
  1. Go to school. Go to college. Go to learn a trade to be a HVAC repairman, 
  1. but what they don't tell you is that it's all BS.
  1. Not the college itself, nor the trade school, or even the university courses and professors. 
  1. They are just mindless puppets that don't know any better. 
  1. I'm talking about the elephant in the room that nobody seems to battle///



Sunday, September 1, 2019

YNW Melly is Possessed by Demons and is ILLUMINATI !!!

Ok. let me start off by saying: I heard a couple of this guy's songs and he's pretty good.

Sometimes you have to listen to a guilty pleasure, right? Nah

YNW Melly is Possessed by Demons and is ILLUMINATI !!!

Man I keep telling y'all that these rappers, so-called entertainers, and media people are starting to fall apart because the matrix is slowly being exposed. Everybody knows now that people are starting to wake up --- This does not mean that things are "getting better" --- It just means it's clearer.

YWN Melly Baphomet Ritual

Watch out for Your "Parent(s)"

Fight or flight response: The greatest lie the devil ever told is that he doesn't exist... Well, I'm not here to tell you what you don't know --- I'm here on this planet because my life mission is to help others! The beast wants us humans to constantly have our fight or flight reflex on at all hours of the day... YOU are not a ROBOT. OK.

I want you to imagine a white speaker box sitting on your lap right now. Keep in mind, when you plug the speaker to the wall your sitting next to, it extracts your energy when you have it plugged in and a green light pops up as the signal. The extraterritorial beings who run this earth, want your soul... your very life essence plugged into this white box for 23 hrs in a day!!!!

I'm going to take things slow as well, because I know that most of you reading this might not take all of the information presented very quickly. But if I had anything to say before parting ways, it's that religion is a scam. The true GOD of the bible is the GOD of this world --- For real don't believe what anyone else tells you unless you FEEL this in your soul spirit. The true God of the bible is Lucifer ---

When my mother used to pray for us, she would always get on her knees in front of the Catholic statue of Mary. It's a demon like statue --- Which showed up in her 

Birdman is the Archon "Father Time" of the Rap World

There's only a selected few on this planet that will make it. Don't be left behind

So this "Birdman" character that many lost souls around the world idolize is nothing more than a SHELL of an actual "Human" ---- Let's go dive deep into why I bring up this photo and you'll see that your favorite "rappers" entertainers and musicians are nothing more than human shells being controlled by demonic spirits from HELL. And yes, this Earth IS the HELL. That's why we are all here, to experience this so called hell and for all of you people who still want to be STUCK in the fake reality, matrix programming, you will see judgement very, very soon.

Birdman is the Archon Pedophile of the Rap World

You think it's a joke --- Come check out some of these resources

The REAL Reason Birdman Reps "Father Time"

I keep telling all of you Christians man, y'all better wake the hell up. This isn't a joke --- Rapper Birdman is representative of none other than Father Time!!! That's why if you watch the short and simple video above you'll see that Birdman and his brother Slim state that they are forever in business with Drake. Why is this significant? Well, because as most of you who are sucked into the United States Matrix already know, Birdman is a well-known thief when it comes to paying these satanic artists their money. Not that these rappers under the Cash Money label are any better spiritually, but if someone is properly stealing from you --- That individual is operating with their lower SIX chakras.
Photo by Skitterphoto from Pexels 

SUBTLE Details in Birdman's Character

Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's idealised self image and attributes. This includes self-flattery, perfectionism, and arrogance. The term originated from Greek mythology, where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water. (According to Google itself!)

OK. So one of the common traits these fake ass humans have in common with each other is that they ALL lack empathy - How can Mr. Birdman be human if he fails to pay his artists their royalties and he doesn't have the empathy necessary to be a functional human being.. Wanna know how? Cause the narcissism these freemasonic puppets use is a front to protect their ego. And we all know that nobody achieves a high level of fame in the demonic music industry unless they undergo a ritual. That ritual is the heart of humankind.

And I got more of these blog posts coming soon. We'll be exposing Lil Skies, Plus WAY More Decoded Movies .... Be blessed --

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Palm Tree Vibes (Slangin' 808's New Years Beat) Guitar Hip Hop

Palm Tree Vibes 💙(Slangin' 808's New Years Beat)
Please share with somebody, and if using just give me credit via "Produced by Galaxima"
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Wired Earphones with Microphone and Volume Control Stereo in-Ear Headphones for Running Workout Gym(3 Pack)
iPhone screen protector for 8 & 7
Kowichi, AKLO, Loota, KOHH, Trippie Redd, J Stash, Fetty Wap, Lil Uzi Vert, Gunna, Hoodrich Pablo Juan, Zot on the Wave, Norikyo, Ken the 390, Lil Skies, CashMoney AP, Suigeneris, Lil Wayne, Tyga, Young Money, Landon Cube, Nicki Minaj, Metro Boomin, Future, Getting Money my Religion, Trapping, Bando, Migos, Bad and Boujee, Japan, Trap Niggas, Hardcore, Six Nine, Billy, FL Studio, Glo Gang, Andy Millenakis, Jay Park, SwizZz, Hopsin, Undercover Prodigy, Mike Vestil, Chanel, Coco, Burberry, Esdee Lauder, Ish-One, Remix, Zorn, Wokeuplikethis, Playboi Carti, Pierre Bourne
Outer Space, Theme, Western, Mystical, Spiritual, Mind, Subconscious, Repetition, Millionaire, Affirmations, confirmations, stock prices, UPS, higher self, religion, 100k salary, Jesus Christ, NATO, Government, 2019, World War III, Psyop, Flat earth, Global Warming is a Hoax, Charlotte Anime, Jun Maeda

Thursday, August 16, 2018

' Princess of the East ' Inspiring Lavendaire 🌟 Venus Angelic Type Beat

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' Princess of the East ' Inspiring Lavendaire x Venus Angelic Type Beat - Copyright, Palma Entertainment LLC.

If you would like to use this song for a vocal cover, remix, license, etc. You can send me an email at I'd appreciate all possible feedback, thank you!

of the East
Playboi Carti
Money on my Mind

1. “Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.” – Tupac Shakur
2. “People can try to reinvent themselves. I don’t think you can really change who you are, though, because who you are is pretty much where you came from and what you’ve done up to now.” – Eminem
3. “Identity is a prison you can never escape, but the way to redeem your past is not to run from it, but to try to understand it, and use it as a foundation to grow.” – Jay Z
4. “I’ve done a lot of work to get where I’m at, but I have to keep working.” -Wiz Khalifa
5. “I encourage everyone to pay attention to the issues that matter to you, from jobs and the economy, to education and our schools, to criminal justice reform. Whatever it is that you care about, make sure you use your voice.” – 2 Chainz
6. “Pay attention to whom your energy increases and decreases around. That’s the universe giving you a hint of who you should embrace and who you should keep away from.” -DIddy
7. “The most daring thing is to be yourself and to do exactly what you want to do at that point in time and not to be worried with what other people are doing or what’s popular.” -Wiz Khalifa
8. “I didn’t have nothin’ going for me… school, home… until I found something I loved, which was music, and that changed everything.” -Eminem
9. “Every day is new. It’s just a new day. I look at six hours at a time.” -Wiz Khalifa
10.“Never stop fighting no matter what anyone says. If it’s in your gut, your soul, there’s nothing, no worldly possession that should come between you and your expression.” -Kanye West
11. “When everyone else is more comfortable remaining voiceless / Rather than fighting for humans that have had their rights stolen / I might not be the same but that’s not important / No freedom ’til we’re equal/ Damn right I support it.” -Mackelmore
12. “If people take anything from my music, it should be motivation to know that anything is possible as long as you keep working at it and don’t back down.” -Eminem
13. “Cause I think we can make it, in fact, I’m sure / And if you fall, stand tall and come back for more.” –Tupac
14. “Living life is a choice. Making a difference in someone else’s isn’t.”– Kid Cudi
15. “Be careful what you say to someone today. Because tomorrow they might not be here, and you can’t take it back.”– Wiz Khalifa
16. “If you admire someone, you should go ahead and tell them. People never get the flowers while they can still smell them.” – Kanye West
17. “Negative energy that comes at you in some form is energy that can be turned around to defeat an opponent and lift you up.” – 50 Cent
18. “Everybody’s at war with different things…I’m at war with my own heart sometimes.” ― Tupac Shakur

Rolex on the Track, Alluring, Piano, Emotional, Hip hop, Rolex, XXXTentacion, Sad, Emo Rap, Lil Uzi Vert, Dead Friends, XO Tour Lif3, Denzel Curry, Lil Xan, Inspirational, Life is Good, VYBO, Farfromaverage, Motivation, Hustle n Grind, Skinnyfromthe9, Love Blast, Bright, Piano, Rags to Riches, Big Sean, Logic, Law of Attraction, Focus,

Steinway, Calvin Harris, Feel So Close, EDM, Pop rap, Bounce, Instrumental, Inspiration, Beautiful, Light, Jesus, Christian, White, Sun, Blue, High Life, Logic, Mono, Mixing, Mastering, Xenon Limiter, China, Herb

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Tekashi69 is a Demonic Clown Demon

Hey guys so I haven't put out any posts in 2 years and a lot has changed since then, especially in the rap game. So many new rappers are blowing up and yes, it does have an agenda.

Check out my video about social media
The music industry is controlled by corporate interested. The masses need to be distracted before the US Government implements martial law and it doesn't matter whether you believe in it or not.

 For example, you can choose to believe that social media isn't brainwashing you and has your back, but that doesn't mean it isn't true. Facebook even admitted to this, read testimonials from the ex-Facebook employees.

But yeah, pretty much this new school cat Tekashi Six Nine or whatever the hell his name is weird and low vibration music. Him and Cardi B are part of this new generation of terrible adlibs,
over-produced commercialism, and bad sexual vibes. Call me whatever the hell you want, but I just feel uncomfortable listening to a lowlife talk about their material possessions and sex.