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Showing posts with label Lorde illuminati exposed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lorde illuminati exposed. Show all posts

Monday, February 2, 2015

Take Me To Church - Big Indie Hit of God or Satan ?!

Christianity is really on the rise eh? I mean we have the Son of God movie, we have God is Not Dead, Heaven is For Real, and we have Noah starring Russell Crow.
Why are all these movies about Jesus / God coming out girl ? I don't even like religion, i dont follow noone!!!.
Okay, okay that's what the masses of people who are atheist/agnostic are saying right ? So what about the Christian people/ people who are fans of said movies saying?
Omg, I'm starting to be comfortable!! Christianity is on the rise, and the world is reeally waking up now (: Thank u Jesus
Right... So where would I fit in you ask? Well you see, I'm not a Christian and I'm not really a non-believer, so that would make me an unusual rare type of human...

That being said, there's 2 type of people who react to this song:
Those who love it and those who hate it.
Me personally, I really don't care. I'm just down for the hardcore truth and the God-honest reality which is void in the world today. We need to take a stand people, but against what ?
No, not against the song. I'm talking about against Satan's kingdom.

I'm going to post a link to a scene of Hozier performing at the Grammy's, for all of you who are in denial of this song being a satanic song or you actually believe God blew it up.
You don't even have to watch the video, just glance over the title and if you're spiritual you'll know exactly what kingdom this band is serving because let me tell you one thing y'all; They most definitely are not serving God. Video of Hozier performing Take Me To Church

Now just think about it...
Why would a song about God be played alongside with a song about putting spells on people?
A: Because it's not actually a song dedicated to God, it's a song about worshiping Satan.

So think about it people, Satan ain't about to let no Christ followers perform at the grammys 2015 without them compromising the truth and/or selling out. The other song is literally a satanic song that is openly called "I put a spell on you" and people follow this stuff. It is sick
This is exactly what Hozier did, they sold out. So stop sleeping on Jesus and Jehova people, it's time for the world to worship the light in the streets. It's time for this world to give glory to God man, and I'm not talking about sitting in some damn church building listening to what some pastor has to say.
I'm talking about really getting on your knees and praying to a black Jesus. I'm talking about going out of church and doing the real will of God. Wake up people, we don't need church...
We need Christ alone.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Message to recording artist Lorde and what her name is in the spirit realm

Okay so I would like to introduce myself to Ella as loving as I am. I do not hate this person at all but in this instance, I will call her by her real name. A lot of young people recognize Lorde by her big radio hit "Royals". In this song she sings about how she wants to rule, now why this? Why would a young girl who blew up quite recently decide to call herself "Lorde"? Didn't Jesus already say he's the Lord of Lords? Christ already told us he is the king, so why as shown below, this girl named Ella from New Zealand calling herself "Lorde". Don't you know you curse yourself when you give yourself these silly names like that. But see y'all people like her music and the world thinks it's hot. I'm gonna reveal what the lyrics was really about because many people all over the states thought the song was about how she will rise in power in the music industry and how they are caught in their love affairs. Yeah but what about the part when she said "I will reign" and she wants to be a queen of it all and all that? This girl is blaspheming the throne. There's only one God. it's sad but it's true, and this the same demon spirit that's in Kanye. Inside of Jay-Z and various other celebs. Ella is a witch man, cuz once you blow up like that and you sell your soul to the devil, you gotta go through the sacrifices and perform witchcraft. That's why she got so popular on YouTube, and the crazy part about it is, before all of this witchcraft, almost none of you probably would've cared about her. Seriously. I know a lot of teenagers probably look up to Lorde as a role model but y'all people got to understand Ella is operating in Satan's kingdom. She's not giving her all for Jesus. She's not talking about Jesus Christ in her lyrics. She's a child of the devil right now and for all you who follow this girl, I wanna tell you that you need to give your life to Jesus Christ. And to Ella and her family man, I wanna even reach out to y'all people as well because that's what this is about. I'm not judging this girl nor am I falsely accusing her but she needs to give it all up. Seriously, Ella let go of Hollywood and let go of all that demonic music that you worship. It's not worth it, because you are headed on your way to hell. And if you don't give your life to Jesus, you will burn in the lake of fire. I already know you know about the spirit realm Ella, due to the fact that I know you are a secret, satanic witch, but you will not make in the end. Revelation 21:8 states "But the sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake of fire"