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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Denniz Pop was Max Martin Blood Sacrifice revealed

Max Martin is all the way to the right and Denniz Pop is to the left with dorky chain
Denniz Pop was a producer from the 90's who came out with big hits and even produced the Ace of Base album which went on to sell millions of copies worldwide. He was also a colleague and mentor like friend of songwriter/producer Max Martin. A funny thing about it is Max is that he was barely on the come up before his friend Denniz Pop got stomach cancer and died of it in 1998. Shortly after however, Backstreet Boys' album "Millennials" goes multi-platinum and thus puts Max Martin at the top of the music industry food chain.

It was all a set up: Max Martin had Denniz Pop blood sacrificed out of here in order to make it in the music industry. Remember, the music industry is a very competitive and dirty business to where you have to either sell your sell and become gay or bi or you have to perform a blood sacrifice ritual for money and fame. Every time you become successful in the world, you have to make a sacrifice for Satan. Those are the rules if you do not want your blessings from God.

Max Martin doesn't follow God, and I doubt that he even cares about following Jesus but that's why I do this because it is certainty my job of mine to reach out to producers in the industry like Martin and to tell him the truth about heaven and hell. Now I wanna talk about a comment he said when his friend Denniz Pop died he said they were all having a ceremony for him, and that he felt like Denniz Pop was kind've watching them in a way. Well the truth is Martin, that Denniz Pop was in fact watching you in the spirit. That was after you blood sacrificed him for money and fame. It has been reported by sites such as Celebrity Net Worth that Max Martin's net worth was 250 million by 2014. Quite a lot of money for someone who writes music and makes the instrumental.

Satan gives these people their awards for cursing millions of souls to hell, that is what the Grammy's are all about.
Believe me, I do both for Jesus and I can't even believe it myself but after all that's the business of the music game. But you know what it trips me out because now I know who's responsible for putting out all of Taylor Swift's satanic music and Katy Perry's satanic mess. I know it's not solely them, although these music artists who sell their soul should think twice because they are really signing up to be miserable and curse millions of innocent people.
Worldly depiction of Denniz Pop death
Now let's get one thing clear, somebody may say well Kevin do you believe that Denniz Pop is in hell ? Let me get this straight, I don't know if he had a relationship with God or not. I never even really followed this guy except when I downloaded Ace of Base, I saw he was the producer for the album. I honestly think that he is in hell, but who knows God might have spared his life. Sometimes people like him are more chosen because God wants to use them but because they keep rejecting the sings of God then it's only natural that God allows these people to get taken out for Satan. It's sad but true~

Kevin speaks on unbelieving themes behind music group "Faithless"

Music group named Faithless 
A little info on Faithless is that they were very popular in the Electronic Dance Music scene during the 90's and that their biggest hit singles of that era were "Imsomnia" meanwhilst their biggest albums were "Sunday 8PM" and "Reverance"

Now check this out y'all, one of their songs is really titled "God Is A DJ" and when I first came across that title on YouTube I was really just confused as to why they would name a song that...
And now the truth. IT'S a blasphemy spirit that causes these people to title their work that or to actually blaspheme Jesus and the most-high God.

Satanic show called Lucy, the daughter of the devil
However, this was not the last time that Satan has used any form of media to portray Jesus as a DJ. In 2007 Adult Swim launched a show called "Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil" and this deliberately showed Jesus as just some DJ. The pilot episode that aired even said "He's not a messiah, he's a DJ". To prove all of this, you who are reading this can check out the link v to the Wikipedia article on the short-lived show that ran on the satanic network Adult Swim right here.

Anywho, there is a major reason why I chose to talk about another music group and that is because they are still cursing thousands of people nationwide with the atheist demon spirit and it's sad, these people need Jesus. If you don't live for him and worship God in spirit and in truth, then you will never make it to heaven. 

Here is a Wikipedia shot of how the single "God is a DJ" did on the charts, as you can see millions of people heard the song that is cursing all those fans. This is very serious people. Get Jesus now, the rapture is coming soon. And I'm not talking about that old white FALSE Jesus that's portrayed up there in that animated pic. 

I'm talking about the real Black Jesus. Give him your life cuh~