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Showing posts with label Music Industry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music Industry. Show all posts

Thursday, September 12, 2019


hey people everybody needs to wake up. Some won't though,
that's totally great. Only here for those who are chosen



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All mainstream rappers are low level freemasons, & are given knowledge of the Zionists plans before the public gets them. Case in point: Lil Wayne speaks about the end of society, him coming out of a snake pit, getting in a spaceship, & meeting a Goddess on the Moon. By reading this verse very carefully, I'm fully aware that Lil Wayne has full knowledge of the Moon matrix, & he knows when the government plans to inact martial law & WW3. Wayne also acquired his goat pendant as a major tribute to his master-Baphomet, AKA "Set", AKA "Saturn", AKA "Satan", AKA "Ogo." The deity that controls the Matrix along side the Goddess Hathor. Lil Wayne played a key role for the Zionists agenda from the year 2000 to the year 2012. His job was to cause the "black" population to carry a highschool mentality no matter what their age was. Also to persuade the masses to indulge in the most low vibrational actions imaginable. And this man is STILL worshipped as a God because he can make words rhyme!! 😂🤣😅 Lil Wayne literally destroyed the minds & hearts of an ENTIRE GENERATION! The Carter V was released on September 28th, 2018, which reduces to 9-1-11. He dropped his album after the Vegas Knights went to the NHL Stanley Cup. The Vegas knights logo is the V. Wayne dropped his Carter V album right before the Venom movie was released & the Venom movie logo is the V. The V symbolizes the 5th trumpet in Revelation being blown. Get ready folks! #RFGsDontStop #WeExposeTheWicked #LilWayneWorksForBaphomet #AllMainStreamArtistsHaveSoldOut #WayneKnowsAboutTheMoonMatrix #HeIsA_LowLevelFreeMason #PredictiveProgrammingInTheMusic #RFG_TheAlchemist #RFG_TheHeretic
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Sweater Weather - The Neighborhood Illuminati
Indie Rock Exposed: "Sweater Weather" by The Neighborhood Illuminati?
The Verve = Bittersweet Symphony Exposed


Pay Attention to the Lyrics of Popular Music!
This song explains it real in five lines. Money = MOON;
That's why there's a term called Liquidation
Selling Pickaxes to the Goldminers by Palma Entertainment
That's why IMF stands for International Monetary Fund --- When you're constantly chasing money, you are basically a hamster in a wheel.

  1. Then they try to tell you to follow the rules. 
  1. Go to school. Go to college. Go to learn a trade to be a HVAC repairman, 
  1. but what they don't tell you is that it's all BS.
  1. Not the college itself, nor the trade school, or even the university courses and professors. 
  1. They are just mindless puppets that don't know any better. 
  1. I'm talking about the elephant in the room that nobody seems to battle///



Saturday, April 9, 2016

Joey Badass Demon possessed? + Capital STEEZ was his blood sacrifice

He could be fly like the black Jesus Christ man.
Joey Badass is a New York rapper, and he's an underground guy in the rap industry who isn't trash. Let's be honest, when you listen to his music he has similarities to Capital STEEZ. Listen to his song "Christ Consciousness" Could he be dissing Jesus and does he wants to be like Jesus? Well, you could say that he probably even knew Christ was black and that's why in the music video he's floating in mid-air. Now, before anyone comes at me bro, I just wanted to say that it's questionable themes which get popular and labeled as demonic. Thus, it brings attention to the videos of an artists; Which is why they may be influenced to do it. IMO I don't think there's anything wrong with it, but are these obvious signs of someone who know what's sup ??

Okay, I'm just being honest. I know fans might not care, but I really do care about the direction hip hop is going in. I think, like a middle school version of ourselves with our backs standing to a wall trying to be so non-conformist, some of us take hip hop too unserious. Now, Capital STEEZ was a brother who was real chosen by God; You can tell by just listening to his music. You might not believe in God, but let's just say that's a way of me saying he's dope. I mean, the guy only dropped 1 mixtape AmeriKKKan Korruption and it was hot. (As in it bangs and is poetic) In his most popular song titled Free the Robots, do you think he was speaking the truth and going against the Illuminati?

Now, right before their music group Pro Era took off, guess who came to visit Joey Badass in December of 2012? Jay-Z, the well known satanist and big time blasphemer of God (according to who? To YouTube of course, lol) Well, he tried to sign Joey to Roc Nation, but I'm guessing Mr. Joey Bada$$ declined it. (That's my guess so please don't) Even so, after that happened, what if someone said Jay-Z cursed Joey. (I think Joey Bada$$ just likes staying underground) I wish the curse of Capital STEEZ suicide did not exist and Pro Era would have blew up to obtain millions upon millions of views. (even more than they have now) That's just messed up that such talent passed too soon. It would've been dope to hear more of his rhymes.

Another thing, they said that back in January 2015, Joey Badass got arrested for punching a security guard. To be honest, that is kind of funny, albeit not if it was me or you. (I don't promote) Who knows why he did that. Some might say it's out of demonic possession (what) and some might say he just didn't give any &&%$. Jay-Z could have made him sell more, but just look at Mac Miller, he's somewhat of a funny clown who sold his soul to be independent. You don't necessarily have to be a straight up satanist to sell your soul. You can be addicted to porn, lust, money, and greed and have your soul snatched up years ago. That's why one got Jesus so it doesn't happen.
God allowed that to happen to him because he wasn't following Jesus

And remember, Capital STEEZ was on his way to becoming something like the next 2pac. The guy had some serious talent and the industry couldn't stand seeing someone black and bold taking a stand for what's right. I'm not saying that he was perfect or nothing like that, because it's not about being perfect it's about being honest and real with the people. STEEZ was honest and he was called by God. But fortunately Joey Badass will continue the money and fame. Sad is a world, covered by greed.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Satanic J-Pop Artists Exposed

If you don't know who Yunchi is, which I assume that the majority of Americans don't know who she is unless they've seen the anime Log Horizon, but Yunchi is the singer for both Ending songs of the 1st & 2nd season. Yunchi is also a model and she does a lot of music. Here is the Official Source for Yunchi pics

I want everyone to know that in Japan being a singer is a lot of women's dreams. Japan has it's history of worship among it's own dead. The flag has the sun as a symbol of sun worship, but of course this came into place after Isolationism. What if witchcraft is used for a lot of women in the Music Industry to promote and push products? (Ay can't knock somebody hustle) But no serious though,  the biggest record label in all of Japan is called Sony Entertainment. Sony, Warner Bros, and the other music company own a lot of music.

This is the band Supercell exposed. They are sending millions of souls to hell because overseas in Japan they don't believe in God for the most part. I wish that they did but they don't and that's the truth. How do I know about this?

The managers perform blood sacrifices to get their members to the top and the members are prostituted by the Japanese music business for more views + money + fame (and ultimately) = more souls.

Tohukaku Music video by the J-Pop Band Supercell

Friday, February 5, 2016

Why are we attracted to the truth about the Music Industry ?

Okay so for those of you who don't know I've been around here for a minute and this blog is getting close to 3,000 views. I wanted to do this article because I believe that we are all curious as to why we are all so interested in hearing or learning about the darker side of the music industry.

So to further continue, I must let everyone know reading that as this blog continues to grow so will the demand for the insider knowledge. But if you are spiritual, you will not have a need to look online for demonic artists and music, as God will reveal it all to you whenever God wants to. That is when you all will be able to use your discernment to determine if an artist is a sell-out.

And on to the topic, I believe it is great to know how the music business works. Like all industries, there is a pyramid structure, with the top-tier influencers on top.

To begin with, there is so much information. We want to be the best, because of pride. /if you remember pride is the root of sin. We want to be perfect, although it'll never work. So the next best thing is to be smart. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Denniz Pop was Max Martin Blood Sacrifice revealed

Max Martin is all the way to the right and Denniz Pop is to the left with dorky chain
Denniz Pop was a producer from the 90's who came out with big hits and even produced the Ace of Base album which went on to sell millions of copies worldwide. He was also a colleague and mentor like friend of songwriter/producer Max Martin. A funny thing about it is Max is that he was barely on the come up before his friend Denniz Pop got stomach cancer and died of it in 1998. Shortly after however, Backstreet Boys' album "Millennials" goes multi-platinum and thus puts Max Martin at the top of the music industry food chain.

It was all a set up: Max Martin had Denniz Pop blood sacrificed out of here in order to make it in the music industry. Remember, the music industry is a very competitive and dirty business to where you have to either sell your sell and become gay or bi or you have to perform a blood sacrifice ritual for money and fame. Every time you become successful in the world, you have to make a sacrifice for Satan. Those are the rules if you do not want your blessings from God.

Max Martin doesn't follow God, and I doubt that he even cares about following Jesus but that's why I do this because it is certainty my job of mine to reach out to producers in the industry like Martin and to tell him the truth about heaven and hell. Now I wanna talk about a comment he said when his friend Denniz Pop died he said they were all having a ceremony for him, and that he felt like Denniz Pop was kind've watching them in a way. Well the truth is Martin, that Denniz Pop was in fact watching you in the spirit. That was after you blood sacrificed him for money and fame. It has been reported by sites such as Celebrity Net Worth that Max Martin's net worth was 250 million by 2014. Quite a lot of money for someone who writes music and makes the instrumental.

Satan gives these people their awards for cursing millions of souls to hell, that is what the Grammy's are all about.
Believe me, I do both for Jesus and I can't even believe it myself but after all that's the business of the music game. But you know what it trips me out because now I know who's responsible for putting out all of Taylor Swift's satanic music and Katy Perry's satanic mess. I know it's not solely them, although these music artists who sell their soul should think twice because they are really signing up to be miserable and curse millions of innocent people.
Worldly depiction of Denniz Pop death
Now let's get one thing clear, somebody may say well Kevin do you believe that Denniz Pop is in hell ? Let me get this straight, I don't know if he had a relationship with God or not. I never even really followed this guy except when I downloaded Ace of Base, I saw he was the producer for the album. I honestly think that he is in hell, but who knows God might have spared his life. Sometimes people like him are more chosen because God wants to use them but because they keep rejecting the sings of God then it's only natural that God allows these people to get taken out for Satan. It's sad but true~