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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Lil Jojo and Chief Keef death exposed, Lil Jojo was his blood sacrifice

Lil Jojo & Chief Keef promoting satanic money
Hello every one reading this, good morning and I wanna discuss a particular rapper called Chief Keef and I wanna discuss Lil Jojo death.

It's sad but a lot of people don't realize that Lil Jojo was Chief Keef blood sacrifice. Jojo was a Chicago based rapper who got shot up in late 2012.

Now check this out y'all, and this is really freaky but Lil Jojo gets shot up around December in 2012 shortly after, Chief Keef releases his debut album called Finally Rich and it sells hundreds of copies and shoots up to #28 on Billboard 200. If you pay close attention to what I just wrote, you spiritual people know that Lil Jojo was nothing more than Keef's blood sacrifice. Right after Jojo got shot up in Chicago, Keef drops his album "Finally Rich" and he blows up and sells several copies.

And we all know Chief Keef is satanic, he promotes murder, drugs, and death just look at his video "I Don't Like." It's a satanic rap anthem that is all about hating your own black people. So of course it's only obvious that Satan blew up Chief Keef because Keef is willing to sell his soul to him & as well as promote death and killing your own black people. You have to understand, the people who run the music labels and who run Interscope are not black people.

It's white people who control the music charts and who are mainly behind the Illuminati. You fans need to wake up, all of you folks who love your chief keef music and your trap music gotta realize that it's all music that's against your people. We'll never hear rappers say "shooting up the illuminati" or "kill them white folks" You wanna know why ? Because the executive producers, or in this case Young Chop who was the executive for Finally Rich won't allow it. They know it's all about the record sales and killing your own black people. Wake up

^ In this video I'm posting, you can see the area where Lil Jojo was shot. Now for all you people who knew Jojo and/or you followed Lil Jojo, I just wanna address all the people who are saying R.I.P Lil Jojo and rest in peace and all that.

Now, I never knew Jojo personally, but I know for a fact that Lil Jojo is not in heaven. And let me tell you why, because Jojo was not fully living for Christ. The bible says that in order to be saved and make it into heaven a person gotta have their name written in the book of life and they gotta endure til the end.

So just think about it, Lil Jojo was not enduring til the end. Lil Jojo was not following Jesus Christ before he got shot up... I know it's hard to accept, but the truth is just the truth. Lil Jojo is in hell right now and to tell you the honest truth, Lil Jojo was probably more chosen by God due to the fact that he died before his time God wanted to use Jojo but he didn't give it all up.

And this is what happens when you don't wanna change. God allows things like this to happen with the Chief Keef and Lil Jojo beef, God will allow the Devil to send a hitman after Lil Jojo because Jojo does not want to change so it has to be done. Remember, the devil cannot do anything without God's permission. So that being said folks, Jesus wants me to tell of his friends and family, please give your life to him.

Lil Jojo reaped what he sowed, he did not follow God's plan for his life.
Lil Jojo is burning in hell right now. Give your to Jesus Christ now.
If Lil Jojo momma or his family members are reading this, please do not take your life for granite. I am sorry that this had to go down but Lil Jojo is not in heaven.
He is in hell burning in the lake of fire forever and you do not want to go there people so that's why I wanna reach out to you if you're reading this and tell you this is very serious. I'm not trying to scare anyone but I'm telling y'all what's real.
Chief Keef is satanic and he is a murderer and a liar like the devil. Chief Keef killed Lil Jojo for money and fame through a human sacrifice ritual and now Keef has got all the millions of views and all the fame because of it. He will reap what he sow as well and Chief Keef is on his way to the lake of fire to burn forever.

I hope and pray his fans come out of the world and give their lives to Jesus. This is not funny, amen. I love all y'all and peace, God bless~

Mitch Lucker was Suicide Silence band blood sacrifice

Mitch Lucker was the lead frontman of the deathcore band Suicide Silence
Suicide Silence is an American death-core band. Now check this out folks, The Black Crown debuts on the Billboard 200 at #28 in 2011 and a year after that, Suicide Silence member Mitch Lucker dies. The orange county police said that he was killed after riding his motorcycle and he had an argument with his wife Jolie Carmadella. Okay, so when the police investigate we all know the Police isn't really spiritual so they don't see through things like curses and spells that are on people, so they are already out of this equation. His wife even tried saying that he cheated on her but I'm not really sure if that affected anything. This guy, Mitch Lucker was already on his way to hell because he was promoting a demonic music group and he wasn't even following God. So

What's sup with that ? It was a blood sacrifice for fame and more success for the band. Wake up Suicide Silence fans, this is not a game. The Top 40 spot on Billboard's Top 200 albums is kind of a big deal, especially since Heavy Metal is a somewhat obscure spectrum of music.

This above photo features obvious symbolism. Yeah yeah yeah, all that isn't important NOW THE IMPORTANT MESSAGE 
The lyrics to the song "Slaves to Substance" and "March to the Black Crown" are about the N.W.O or the 7 year tribulation. Whichever one you prefer, and while it is true about what he says, the lyrics don't mention God anywhere. That's anarchy without Christ. Get Jesus folks~

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Romeo Santos need God in his life

Hey everyone who's keeping up with the blog, I just wanna thank everybody for reading. Seriously, God bless you. And I'm happy because people are really looking into something that can save their soul from hell on earth. Message me if you're really serious. @KevinDiegoPalma.
So yesterday I was chilling right, and my mom and a friend are talking about Romeo Santos and I was tuning into what they said about him. They said a concert to see Romeo Santos costs about $300 and that he loves coming to Atlanta, primarily because he has a lot of fans over here.
And so what really interested me is that my mom commented about Romeo's reference to himself as "The King", and that's when I was like.. Hold up, hold up:

is there REAL King, not some Latin Pop artist who sings for the world.

But that being said, this is not a diss to Romeo Santos nor his crew. I'm not looking to "expose" Romeo Santos neither nor his old music associates or any of that. I love both Romeo Santos and his fans and I truly respect someone for chasing their passion and making money of that, but do you think that someone's a king because they say so?
Nah, in my opinion, I feel like the only king is the Lord Jesus. That is who really deserves that title, he wakes us up every morning, puts food in our stomach, and also gives us money in our pocket. So what do I mean ? Santos is not doing any of that, he is only singing through your MP3 players and entertaining the masses. I want to address this issue with the truth, and that is the good news of God.

And this is what we gotta tune into man. My brothers and sisters, pray before you eat. And God understands if you forget to, so after you're done just say a prayer and/or thank God for that meal. Because you don't know how many people can be in another location starving for more than two days. It's the truth.
But I mainly am talking to the fans of Bachata music and Romeo Santos music. I want to tell you all that you don't wanna follow someone who calls themselves a king when their are so many starving children in Africa and so on. If you just look at this dude's Twitter page (Romeo Santos) he or his manager is just posting stuff about his emotional music over and on. It's not flowing deep stories or teaching you the truth through the music, it's just worldly and demonic. And my bet is that Romeo Santos sold his soul to the devil, but I pray for that dude man. That guy needs Jesus and all of his managers and executive friends or however they label themselves need Jesus too.

This is the truth movement, this is the reality. We are the underground, we are the real soldiers.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Take Me To Church - Big Indie Hit of God or Satan ?!

Christianity is really on the rise eh? I mean we have the Son of God movie, we have God is Not Dead, Heaven is For Real, and we have Noah starring Russell Crow.
Why are all these movies about Jesus / God coming out girl ? I don't even like religion, i dont follow noone!!!.
Okay, okay that's what the masses of people who are atheist/agnostic are saying right ? So what about the Christian people/ people who are fans of said movies saying?
Omg, I'm starting to be comfortable!! Christianity is on the rise, and the world is reeally waking up now (: Thank u Jesus
Right... So where would I fit in you ask? Well you see, I'm not a Christian and I'm not really a non-believer, so that would make me an unusual rare type of human...

That being said, there's 2 type of people who react to this song:
Those who love it and those who hate it.
Me personally, I really don't care. I'm just down for the hardcore truth and the God-honest reality which is void in the world today. We need to take a stand people, but against what ?
No, not against the song. I'm talking about against Satan's kingdom.

I'm going to post a link to a scene of Hozier performing at the Grammy's, for all of you who are in denial of this song being a satanic song or you actually believe God blew it up.
You don't even have to watch the video, just glance over the title and if you're spiritual you'll know exactly what kingdom this band is serving because let me tell you one thing y'all; They most definitely are not serving God. Video of Hozier performing Take Me To Church

Now just think about it...
Why would a song about God be played alongside with a song about putting spells on people?
A: Because it's not actually a song dedicated to God, it's a song about worshiping Satan.

So think about it people, Satan ain't about to let no Christ followers perform at the grammys 2015 without them compromising the truth and/or selling out. The other song is literally a satanic song that is openly called "I put a spell on you" and people follow this stuff. It is sick
This is exactly what Hozier did, they sold out. So stop sleeping on Jesus and Jehova people, it's time for the world to worship the light in the streets. It's time for this world to give glory to God man, and I'm not talking about sitting in some damn church building listening to what some pastor has to say.
I'm talking about really getting on your knees and praying to a black Jesus. I'm talking about going out of church and doing the real will of God. Wake up people, we don't need church...
We need Christ alone.