For Your Listening Pleasure

Showing posts with label Florida. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Florida. Show all posts

Sunday, September 1, 2019

YNW Melly is Possessed by Demons and is ILLUMINATI !!!

Ok. let me start off by saying: I heard a couple of this guy's songs and he's pretty good.

Sometimes you have to listen to a guilty pleasure, right? Nah

YNW Melly is Possessed by Demons and is ILLUMINATI !!!

Man I keep telling y'all that these rappers, so-called entertainers, and media people are starting to fall apart because the matrix is slowly being exposed. Everybody knows now that people are starting to wake up --- This does not mean that things are "getting better" --- It just means it's clearer.

YWN Melly Baphomet Ritual

Watch out for Your "Parent(s)"

Fight or flight response: The greatest lie the devil ever told is that he doesn't exist... Well, I'm not here to tell you what you don't know --- I'm here on this planet because my life mission is to help others! The beast wants us humans to constantly have our fight or flight reflex on at all hours of the day... YOU are not a ROBOT. OK.

I want you to imagine a white speaker box sitting on your lap right now. Keep in mind, when you plug the speaker to the wall your sitting next to, it extracts your energy when you have it plugged in and a green light pops up as the signal. The extraterritorial beings who run this earth, want your soul... your very life essence plugged into this white box for 23 hrs in a day!!!!

I'm going to take things slow as well, because I know that most of you reading this might not take all of the information presented very quickly. But if I had anything to say before parting ways, it's that religion is a scam. The true GOD of the bible is the GOD of this world --- For real don't believe what anyone else tells you unless you FEEL this in your soul spirit. The true God of the bible is Lucifer ---

When my mother used to pray for us, she would always get on her knees in front of the Catholic statue of Mary. It's a demon like statue --- Which showed up in her