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Showing posts with label hip hop cult. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hip hop cult. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Kevin speaks on unbelieving themes behind music group "Faithless"

Music group named Faithless 
A little info on Faithless is that they were very popular in the Electronic Dance Music scene during the 90's and that their biggest hit singles of that era were "Imsomnia" meanwhilst their biggest albums were "Sunday 8PM" and "Reverance"

Now check this out y'all, one of their songs is really titled "God Is A DJ" and when I first came across that title on YouTube I was really just confused as to why they would name a song that...
And now the truth. IT'S a blasphemy spirit that causes these people to title their work that or to actually blaspheme Jesus and the most-high God.

Satanic show called Lucy, the daughter of the devil
However, this was not the last time that Satan has used any form of media to portray Jesus as a DJ. In 2007 Adult Swim launched a show called "Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil" and this deliberately showed Jesus as just some DJ. The pilot episode that aired even said "He's not a messiah, he's a DJ". To prove all of this, you who are reading this can check out the link v to the Wikipedia article on the short-lived show that ran on the satanic network Adult Swim right here.

Anywho, there is a major reason why I chose to talk about another music group and that is because they are still cursing thousands of people nationwide with the atheist demon spirit and it's sad, these people need Jesus. If you don't live for him and worship God in spirit and in truth, then you will never make it to heaven. 

Here is a Wikipedia shot of how the single "God is a DJ" did on the charts, as you can see millions of people heard the song that is cursing all those fans. This is very serious people. Get Jesus now, the rapture is coming soon. And I'm not talking about that old white FALSE Jesus that's portrayed up there in that animated pic. 

I'm talking about the real Black Jesus. Give him your life cuh~

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"CoCo" - The new biggest satanic rap song of the end of 2014

Alright so if you haven't seen it or heard it, O.T. Genasis released a new single titled "CoCo" and it has so far blown up to over fifty million views on YouTube as well as reaching #26 on the Billboard Hot 100.
Pretty impressive for a trap rap song considering the masses are not inclined to accepting the new "hard" trap influence wave of hip hop.
I wanna just say that I don't hate O.T. Genasis, and neither am I talking about him because I am jealous but rather it's because I care about souls being reached. Think about it, for all those who love this song and y'all follow it, what do you think it's about? Chocolate? Obviously no, it's about drugs, cocaine. It's not right man because you got kids who are single digit watching this video getting influenced to sing along to the chorus "I'm in love with a coco" not even realizing that they are chanting along to a satanic beat.
Okay, and for all those who oppose this song "CoCo" and bash it, I understand why you do so. You clearly don't like the song, so you're going to call it whack and so on. People who like rock music don't usually like hip hop, I understand. But look deeper than just "this new form of hip hop sux" and think more spiritual than just "wow music nowadays sucks!" - Because God is looking at the spiritual aspects of how many views this song is getting. So many souls are heading straight to hell because of this song. You should give your life to God as well and repent and try to reach people. Now remember you all I am not judging O.T. Genasis, because maybe that's how he grew up, but you shouldn't stay bashing you should try to tell them the truth.
And if any of you, including me, get a hold of the rapper O.T. Genasis... I'm going to tell him straight up: "Aye bruh you lead millions of souls to hell with that hit song of yours, and I frankly don't care about hip hop 'dying' or the current trends 'cuz I care about reaching souls for Jesus Christ. You gotta give it all up for Jesus O.T., if not then you're going to hell with them and I love ya man. No hate."
Satanic music video promoting drugs