For Your Listening Pleasure

Showing posts with label illuminati. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illuminati. Show all posts

Thursday, September 12, 2019


hey people everybody needs to wake up. Some won't though,
that's totally great. Only here for those who are chosen



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All mainstream rappers are low level freemasons, & are given knowledge of the Zionists plans before the public gets them. Case in point: Lil Wayne speaks about the end of society, him coming out of a snake pit, getting in a spaceship, & meeting a Goddess on the Moon. By reading this verse very carefully, I'm fully aware that Lil Wayne has full knowledge of the Moon matrix, & he knows when the government plans to inact martial law & WW3. Wayne also acquired his goat pendant as a major tribute to his master-Baphomet, AKA "Set", AKA "Saturn", AKA "Satan", AKA "Ogo." The deity that controls the Matrix along side the Goddess Hathor. Lil Wayne played a key role for the Zionists agenda from the year 2000 to the year 2012. His job was to cause the "black" population to carry a highschool mentality no matter what their age was. Also to persuade the masses to indulge in the most low vibrational actions imaginable. And this man is STILL worshipped as a God because he can make words rhyme!! 😂🤣😅 Lil Wayne literally destroyed the minds & hearts of an ENTIRE GENERATION! The Carter V was released on September 28th, 2018, which reduces to 9-1-11. He dropped his album after the Vegas Knights went to the NHL Stanley Cup. The Vegas knights logo is the V. Wayne dropped his Carter V album right before the Venom movie was released & the Venom movie logo is the V. The V symbolizes the 5th trumpet in Revelation being blown. Get ready folks! #RFGsDontStop #WeExposeTheWicked #LilWayneWorksForBaphomet #AllMainStreamArtistsHaveSoldOut #WayneKnowsAboutTheMoonMatrix #HeIsA_LowLevelFreeMason #PredictiveProgrammingInTheMusic #RFG_TheAlchemist #RFG_TheHeretic
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Sweater Weather - The Neighborhood Illuminati
Indie Rock Exposed: "Sweater Weather" by The Neighborhood Illuminati?
The Verve = Bittersweet Symphony Exposed


Pay Attention to the Lyrics of Popular Music!
This song explains it real in five lines. Money = MOON;
That's why there's a term called Liquidation
Selling Pickaxes to the Goldminers by Palma Entertainment
That's why IMF stands for International Monetary Fund --- When you're constantly chasing money, you are basically a hamster in a wheel.

  1. Then they try to tell you to follow the rules. 
  1. Go to school. Go to college. Go to learn a trade to be a HVAC repairman, 
  1. but what they don't tell you is that it's all BS.
  1. Not the college itself, nor the trade school, or even the university courses and professors. 
  1. They are just mindless puppets that don't know any better. 
  1. I'm talking about the elephant in the room that nobody seems to battle///



Sunday, September 1, 2019

YNW Melly is Possessed by Demons and is ILLUMINATI !!!

Ok. let me start off by saying: I heard a couple of this guy's songs and he's pretty good.

Sometimes you have to listen to a guilty pleasure, right? Nah

YNW Melly is Possessed by Demons and is ILLUMINATI !!!

Man I keep telling y'all that these rappers, so-called entertainers, and media people are starting to fall apart because the matrix is slowly being exposed. Everybody knows now that people are starting to wake up --- This does not mean that things are "getting better" --- It just means it's clearer.

YWN Melly Baphomet Ritual

Watch out for Your "Parent(s)"

Fight or flight response: The greatest lie the devil ever told is that he doesn't exist... Well, I'm not here to tell you what you don't know --- I'm here on this planet because my life mission is to help others! The beast wants us humans to constantly have our fight or flight reflex on at all hours of the day... YOU are not a ROBOT. OK.

I want you to imagine a white speaker box sitting on your lap right now. Keep in mind, when you plug the speaker to the wall your sitting next to, it extracts your energy when you have it plugged in and a green light pops up as the signal. The extraterritorial beings who run this earth, want your soul... your very life essence plugged into this white box for 23 hrs in a day!!!!

I'm going to take things slow as well, because I know that most of you reading this might not take all of the information presented very quickly. But if I had anything to say before parting ways, it's that religion is a scam. The true GOD of the bible is the GOD of this world --- For real don't believe what anyone else tells you unless you FEEL this in your soul spirit. The true God of the bible is Lucifer ---

When my mother used to pray for us, she would always get on her knees in front of the Catholic statue of Mary. It's a demon like statue --- Which showed up in her 

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Joey Badass Demon possessed? + Capital STEEZ was his blood sacrifice

He could be fly like the black Jesus Christ man.
Joey Badass is a New York rapper, and he's an underground guy in the rap industry who isn't trash. Let's be honest, when you listen to his music he has similarities to Capital STEEZ. Listen to his song "Christ Consciousness" Could he be dissing Jesus and does he wants to be like Jesus? Well, you could say that he probably even knew Christ was black and that's why in the music video he's floating in mid-air. Now, before anyone comes at me bro, I just wanted to say that it's questionable themes which get popular and labeled as demonic. Thus, it brings attention to the videos of an artists; Which is why they may be influenced to do it. IMO I don't think there's anything wrong with it, but are these obvious signs of someone who know what's sup ??

Okay, I'm just being honest. I know fans might not care, but I really do care about the direction hip hop is going in. I think, like a middle school version of ourselves with our backs standing to a wall trying to be so non-conformist, some of us take hip hop too unserious. Now, Capital STEEZ was a brother who was real chosen by God; You can tell by just listening to his music. You might not believe in God, but let's just say that's a way of me saying he's dope. I mean, the guy only dropped 1 mixtape AmeriKKKan Korruption and it was hot. (As in it bangs and is poetic) In his most popular song titled Free the Robots, do you think he was speaking the truth and going against the Illuminati?

Now, right before their music group Pro Era took off, guess who came to visit Joey Badass in December of 2012? Jay-Z, the well known satanist and big time blasphemer of God (according to who? To YouTube of course, lol) Well, he tried to sign Joey to Roc Nation, but I'm guessing Mr. Joey Bada$$ declined it. (That's my guess so please don't) Even so, after that happened, what if someone said Jay-Z cursed Joey. (I think Joey Bada$$ just likes staying underground) I wish the curse of Capital STEEZ suicide did not exist and Pro Era would have blew up to obtain millions upon millions of views. (even more than they have now) That's just messed up that such talent passed too soon. It would've been dope to hear more of his rhymes.

Another thing, they said that back in January 2015, Joey Badass got arrested for punching a security guard. To be honest, that is kind of funny, albeit not if it was me or you. (I don't promote) Who knows why he did that. Some might say it's out of demonic possession (what) and some might say he just didn't give any &&%$. Jay-Z could have made him sell more, but just look at Mac Miller, he's somewhat of a funny clown who sold his soul to be independent. You don't necessarily have to be a straight up satanist to sell your soul. You can be addicted to porn, lust, money, and greed and have your soul snatched up years ago. That's why one got Jesus so it doesn't happen.
God allowed that to happen to him because he wasn't following Jesus

And remember, Capital STEEZ was on his way to becoming something like the next 2pac. The guy had some serious talent and the industry couldn't stand seeing someone black and bold taking a stand for what's right. I'm not saying that he was perfect or nothing like that, because it's not about being perfect it's about being honest and real with the people. STEEZ was honest and he was called by God. But fortunately Joey Badass will continue the money and fame. Sad is a world, covered by greed.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Romeo Santos need God in his life

Hey everyone who's keeping up with the blog, I just wanna thank everybody for reading. Seriously, God bless you. And I'm happy because people are really looking into something that can save their soul from hell on earth. Message me if you're really serious. @KevinDiegoPalma.
So yesterday I was chilling right, and my mom and a friend are talking about Romeo Santos and I was tuning into what they said about him. They said a concert to see Romeo Santos costs about $300 and that he loves coming to Atlanta, primarily because he has a lot of fans over here.
And so what really interested me is that my mom commented about Romeo's reference to himself as "The King", and that's when I was like.. Hold up, hold up:

is there REAL King, not some Latin Pop artist who sings for the world.

But that being said, this is not a diss to Romeo Santos nor his crew. I'm not looking to "expose" Romeo Santos neither nor his old music associates or any of that. I love both Romeo Santos and his fans and I truly respect someone for chasing their passion and making money of that, but do you think that someone's a king because they say so?
Nah, in my opinion, I feel like the only king is the Lord Jesus. That is who really deserves that title, he wakes us up every morning, puts food in our stomach, and also gives us money in our pocket. So what do I mean ? Santos is not doing any of that, he is only singing through your MP3 players and entertaining the masses. I want to address this issue with the truth, and that is the good news of God.

And this is what we gotta tune into man. My brothers and sisters, pray before you eat. And God understands if you forget to, so after you're done just say a prayer and/or thank God for that meal. Because you don't know how many people can be in another location starving for more than two days. It's the truth.
But I mainly am talking to the fans of Bachata music and Romeo Santos music. I want to tell you all that you don't wanna follow someone who calls themselves a king when their are so many starving children in Africa and so on. If you just look at this dude's Twitter page (Romeo Santos) he or his manager is just posting stuff about his emotional music over and on. It's not flowing deep stories or teaching you the truth through the music, it's just worldly and demonic. And my bet is that Romeo Santos sold his soul to the devil, but I pray for that dude man. That guy needs Jesus and all of his managers and executive friends or however they label themselves need Jesus too.

This is the truth movement, this is the reality. We are the underground, we are the real soldiers.