For Your Listening Pleasure

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Romeo Santos need God in his life

Hey everyone who's keeping up with the blog, I just wanna thank everybody for reading. Seriously, God bless you. And I'm happy because people are really looking into something that can save their soul from hell on earth. Message me if you're really serious. @KevinDiegoPalma.
So yesterday I was chilling right, and my mom and a friend are talking about Romeo Santos and I was tuning into what they said about him. They said a concert to see Romeo Santos costs about $300 and that he loves coming to Atlanta, primarily because he has a lot of fans over here.
And so what really interested me is that my mom commented about Romeo's reference to himself as "The King", and that's when I was like.. Hold up, hold up:

is there REAL King, not some Latin Pop artist who sings for the world.

But that being said, this is not a diss to Romeo Santos nor his crew. I'm not looking to "expose" Romeo Santos neither nor his old music associates or any of that. I love both Romeo Santos and his fans and I truly respect someone for chasing their passion and making money of that, but do you think that someone's a king because they say so?
Nah, in my opinion, I feel like the only king is the Lord Jesus. That is who really deserves that title, he wakes us up every morning, puts food in our stomach, and also gives us money in our pocket. So what do I mean ? Santos is not doing any of that, he is only singing through your MP3 players and entertaining the masses. I want to address this issue with the truth, and that is the good news of God.

And this is what we gotta tune into man. My brothers and sisters, pray before you eat. And God understands if you forget to, so after you're done just say a prayer and/or thank God for that meal. Because you don't know how many people can be in another location starving for more than two days. It's the truth.
But I mainly am talking to the fans of Bachata music and Romeo Santos music. I want to tell you all that you don't wanna follow someone who calls themselves a king when their are so many starving children in Africa and so on. If you just look at this dude's Twitter page (Romeo Santos) he or his manager is just posting stuff about his emotional music over and on. It's not flowing deep stories or teaching you the truth through the music, it's just worldly and demonic. And my bet is that Romeo Santos sold his soul to the devil, but I pray for that dude man. That guy needs Jesus and all of his managers and executive friends or however they label themselves need Jesus too.

This is the truth movement, this is the reality. We are the underground, we are the real soldiers.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Take Me To Church - Big Indie Hit of God or Satan ?!

Christianity is really on the rise eh? I mean we have the Son of God movie, we have God is Not Dead, Heaven is For Real, and we have Noah starring Russell Crow.
Why are all these movies about Jesus / God coming out girl ? I don't even like religion, i dont follow noone!!!.
Okay, okay that's what the masses of people who are atheist/agnostic are saying right ? So what about the Christian people/ people who are fans of said movies saying?
Omg, I'm starting to be comfortable!! Christianity is on the rise, and the world is reeally waking up now (: Thank u Jesus
Right... So where would I fit in you ask? Well you see, I'm not a Christian and I'm not really a non-believer, so that would make me an unusual rare type of human...

That being said, there's 2 type of people who react to this song:
Those who love it and those who hate it.
Me personally, I really don't care. I'm just down for the hardcore truth and the God-honest reality which is void in the world today. We need to take a stand people, but against what ?
No, not against the song. I'm talking about against Satan's kingdom.

I'm going to post a link to a scene of Hozier performing at the Grammy's, for all of you who are in denial of this song being a satanic song or you actually believe God blew it up.
You don't even have to watch the video, just glance over the title and if you're spiritual you'll know exactly what kingdom this band is serving because let me tell you one thing y'all; They most definitely are not serving God. Video of Hozier performing Take Me To Church

Now just think about it...
Why would a song about God be played alongside with a song about putting spells on people?
A: Because it's not actually a song dedicated to God, it's a song about worshiping Satan.

So think about it people, Satan ain't about to let no Christ followers perform at the grammys 2015 without them compromising the truth and/or selling out. The other song is literally a satanic song that is openly called "I put a spell on you" and people follow this stuff. It is sick
This is exactly what Hozier did, they sold out. So stop sleeping on Jesus and Jehova people, it's time for the world to worship the light in the streets. It's time for this world to give glory to God man, and I'm not talking about sitting in some damn church building listening to what some pastor has to say.
I'm talking about really getting on your knees and praying to a black Jesus. I'm talking about going out of church and doing the real will of God. Wake up people, we don't need church...
We need Christ alone.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"CoCo" - The new biggest satanic rap song of the end of 2014

Alright so if you haven't seen it or heard it, O.T. Genasis released a new single titled "CoCo" and it has so far blown up to over fifty million views on YouTube as well as reaching #26 on the Billboard Hot 100.
Pretty impressive for a trap rap song considering the masses are not inclined to accepting the new "hard" trap influence wave of hip hop.
I wanna just say that I don't hate O.T. Genasis, and neither am I talking about him because I am jealous but rather it's because I care about souls being reached. Think about it, for all those who love this song and y'all follow it, what do you think it's about? Chocolate? Obviously no, it's about drugs, cocaine. It's not right man because you got kids who are single digit watching this video getting influenced to sing along to the chorus "I'm in love with a coco" not even realizing that they are chanting along to a satanic beat.
Okay, and for all those who oppose this song "CoCo" and bash it, I understand why you do so. You clearly don't like the song, so you're going to call it whack and so on. People who like rock music don't usually like hip hop, I understand. But look deeper than just "this new form of hip hop sux" and think more spiritual than just "wow music nowadays sucks!" - Because God is looking at the spiritual aspects of how many views this song is getting. So many souls are heading straight to hell because of this song. You should give your life to God as well and repent and try to reach people. Now remember you all I am not judging O.T. Genasis, because maybe that's how he grew up, but you shouldn't stay bashing you should try to tell them the truth.
And if any of you, including me, get a hold of the rapper O.T. Genasis... I'm going to tell him straight up: "Aye bruh you lead millions of souls to hell with that hit song of yours, and I frankly don't care about hip hop 'dying' or the current trends 'cuz I care about reaching souls for Jesus Christ. You gotta give it all up for Jesus O.T., if not then you're going to hell with them and I love ya man. No hate."
Satanic music video promoting drugs

Meet Cannibal Corpse, Satan's #1 Extreme Metal Band

Cannibal Corpse was founded in Buffalo, New York during the early 1990's as a way of life to demonize kids and send many straight to hell. The reason for that is because their music offers no truthful depth to it nor positive message. And I'm not saying this because I hate metal music, or I don't understand this sub-culture. I used to listen to death metal, not because I wanted to fit in, but rather because I used to chase after many different forms of music.
A short bio of my life story is that before I followed Jesus Christ, I used to worship music. I knew many different styles of music and how to organize them, but I didn't know God.
Anyways, back to what I was saying, Cannibal Corpse is by far the most popular death metal band of our time. With millions of views and thousands of fans globally, they are growing exponentially in popularity as their recent albums have been skyrocketing up the Billboard 200 albums chart. For example, their 2006 album Kill reached #170 on Billboard. No biggie right? Well in 2009, their new album at the time, Evisceration Plague reached #66 on the same albums chart. Then in 2012, Torture hit the Top 40 at #38, pretty surprising for an extreme metal band that the majority of the masses would be repulsed by. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Bring Me The Horizon lead band member Oliver Sykes

Aight man so I wanna discuss the whole situation with a particular band member I have in mind that goes by the name of Oliver Sykes and the reasons why I wanna bring this man up is number 1 I really really care about this person’s soul. I’m not like these fake and jealous christians whereas they have all the oppurtunity as of 2014 but yet they’ll just play games and act stupid. Second man, I just wanted to let you know Mr. Sykes that I truly love you from my heart and I’m just writing this blog to reach out to you cuz I already know you’ve hit celebrity status pretty much. And in this blog I’m gonna be discussing Oliver Sykes life, 3rd reason comes here: This guy went through a spiritual event, whether he believes it or not, whether y’all fans believe it or not and whether you believe it or not. Okay so growing up, Oliver said that ever since 12 years old, he’s had these weird and unusual night terrors of old women attacking him. Now I’m not sure when exactly this all start to happen to him but I can tell you one thing, that’s definitely something not normal if you have old hags syndrome, as the medical industry will call it. But me, being a spiritual human being, I’d prefer not to succomb to that label and we’ll just call it what it is, demonic attacks from the enemy. What enemy? The devil, and I already know Oliver Sykes you’ve stated before you’re an atheist right? Well basically, these old hags attacking you are the blueprint for your introduction into real satanic territory.
And these so called sleep paralysis you’ve been having at night it’s all part of Satan to trick u & put fear into u so u can feel awful.. But I already see through his disguise man. They’re just demons taking the form of old women so u can be fooled, I’m very serious man. It’s not a game, so that’s why I gotta reach out to you Oliver cuz the stronghold Satan has on your life is strong and u could die any minute that’s the thing. We don’t know when we’re gonna die, so it’s wise to get Jesus in ur life like now and start fasting & praying to rid yourself of all the demonic poison that they might’ve throw into you. Because these witches man, they can seriously cause startling effects to your stomach if u don’t have Christ and you’ll end up dying eventually because of it.
I’ve already read up about the whole beef you had with Tyler the creator and lemme just start by saying bruh stay away from that brother, cause that man is cursed with a cursed and he has absolutely no where going but to the lake of fire. That man is headed straight 2 hell & all his followers r too cuz they wanna choose 2 follow a satanic puppet & not do God’s will 4 they lives.

And you know you don’t wanna end up like Mitch Lucker, the dude was pretty much sacrificed by his own wicked band members. So I really pray and hope that you get your life to Christ and stop running this satanic band cuz it was formed out of the pits of hell. Seriously, there’s nothing funny about a person burning in hell forever. It’s not a game, it’s not a joke so Imma just be 100% honest with you bro u need 2 give yo life to Jesus. I really hope that you do because if you were to die today, and your spirit come out your body ya know what i’m saying? your soul would most probably be taken to hell, because you weren’t following Jesus all the way & doing God’s will 4 ur life. God would definitely love to use you for his glory & to win souls, cuz do you know how many young fangirls and young men idolize you? It’s like a billion of fans you have, so I hope that you give your life to Christ man.
We have to pray for him, this is not a game. This stuff is serious

Monday, December 1, 2014

Big L death exposed, Was he going to be the next big rapper in Hollywood?

Lamont Coleman died in 1999, a couple of months before his sophomore album was to be released. And I just wanna let this be known: For all who think the illuminati killed Big L, you are wrong. It was Jesus himself who killed him, because he never gave his life to Jesus.
Big L was rapping about killing and shooting people's heads off. There was even one song where he said he would even murder his own grandma if she came near him fronting. He was very sick and on his debut album, Big L was rapping about satanic ideology, such as in his lyrics, he claimed "burn a crucifix, and rape Christ" but what is puzzling to me is that, despite this truth, many today will continue to praise Coleman's persona, "Big L" as a dope rapper and one of the realest in the game, yet he was very angry against God and hated that which was good.

The man was satanic, he promoted drugs and sex and idol worship.
But God wanted to use him, as he didn't take nothing from nobody. 
The reason why Big L is dead & Jay-Z isn't 'cuz Big L was more chosen than Jay-Z.
So when God saw Big L chose the wrong route, God had to kill him.
He didn't want to change, and that's a surefire way to end up in hell. Be blessed~